I know it seems to contradict one of my previous entries….but I really do blog every day. It’s just that I blog in my head where I’m sure it’s very hard for you to access it. 

Yesterday I had a wonderful blog entry as I was walking on my lunch hour.  One of my best blogs ever.

And then earlier in the week I blogged for several productive minutes during a rather boring meeting I was attending.   I blog during church, when I shower, when I drive to work, and quite often just before I fall asleep.  ALL of them surpass what I actually write here.  You all miss out on my best thoughts.  

In fact, it’s very late tonight. I suspect that if I will end this right now and go to bed, I might get in some very fine blogging before I fall asleep.

Sleep tight, all!

6 replies
  1. Rebecca says:

    That’s so funny – I do the same thing. I often put a whole blog entry together in my mind, and then the words elude me (or I’m just too lazy to actually do it) when I have time sit down with the computer.

  2. jacque says:

    Nick, enjoyed your blog entries. I’m sure I would like the ones not actually appearing here! I don’t understand how someone can sit down and write a whole book and have trouble blogging. I ask Dave that all the time. He has no interest in blogging or newsletter writing.

  3. Linore says:

    I do that all the time. I write my best scenes that way, too. My most productive inner scenes come when I’m walking on the treadmill or taking a shower. Sometimes at night. They’re never quite as good when I get pen to paper (at night) or rush to the keyboard. Sometimes I can tweak them until they are, but it’s rare!

  4. Paulette Harris says:

    I too do a lot of blogging in my head,especially when I am wound up in writing a novel. I do love my blog though and am encouraged by several to keep it going. It doesn’t take much time, if I do it first thing before starting my writing work. Otherwise, I tend to get distracted.

    Okay, okay, I’m going to do it right now, because it helps others. If anyone wants to see it, come one over to comeandsitawhile.blogspot.com

    🙂 Paulette

  5. Diana says:

    LOL I answer emails as well as make submissions for my authors and construct Blogs in my pre-sleep mode. If only I woke up and had the work actually completed. I might have an empty inbox if I did!

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