365 Devotions and Prayers for an Outpouring of God’s Spirit
Make no mistake, there is a worldwide hunger for revival, and especially so among American Christians. The great news is that every Christian has a part to play in bringing about revival. That part is first, last, and always prayer. Revivals are born from prayer. But will Christians pray? Do they really want revival? If recent events are indications of that fresh hunger for God in our midst, then the answer is a resounding yes!
What Christian isn’t hungering for revival? Not just an emotional display of faith, but a revival that changes lives, renews churches, and can even change history. Such revivals as the Great Awakening, the Welsh Revival, and the Jesus Movement have earned their place in church history and are evidence that God is still alive and active. Even smaller revivals such as the recent revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, caught the attention of the world as upwards of fifty thousand Christians traveled to the college campus to witness this move of God. The recent movie, The Jesus Revolution was a surprise success at the box office as, once again, Christians flocked to hear about revival.
Make no mistake, there is a worldwide hunger for revival, and especially so among American Christians. The great news is that every Christian has a part to play in bringing about revival. That part is first, last, and always prayer. Revivals are born from prayer. But will Christians pray? Do they really want revival? If recent events are indications of that fresh hunger for God in our midst, then the answer is a resounding yes!