One Thousand Gifts

I had hoped to blog again at length before I take off next week with my wife on a nice warm Mexican cruise. It doesn’t look like that will happen, so it will have to wait until I get back.

Mostly, I want to blog about the tremendous success of this book. The author has a very popular blog, but that’s about it. She doesn’t speak and is not a well-known name. And yet the sales of this, her first book are off the charts. She’s been in the Amazon top 100 for some time now and today is at number 26. (And just look at her five-star reviews!)

How did she do it? That’s what I want to blog about. I hope to get to it when I return. It all comes from a very nice lunch I had with her agent, Bill Jensen.

In the meantime, why not order the book yourself and see what all the fuss is about?

And be encouraged: This author’s success should be good news to all of us writers who don’t have the dreaded platform from which to promote our books.

10 replies
  1. Susie W. says:

    Nick, I love her blog. It’s a favorite on my “blog list” on my blog. She has a beautiful way of putting things. I’ve been moved to tears more than once in reading what she has written.

  2. Nick says:

    Yes, Erin, it is. I did mention in the second paragraph about the blog being popular. What I meant was that no one knows her apart from her blog. She’s not Joyce Meyer or Liz Curtis Higgs. She’s a farmer’s wife with several children at home.

  3. Dena Dyer says:

    Nick, I’m so thrilled for her success. We are both editors for The High Calling, and I’ve had the privilege of getting to know her personally. She’s a wonderful, godly person with the right priorities. 🙂

  4. Jan Cline says:

    I must say this does offer some hope for those of us who may struggle with the platform issue. It is an example of “what will be will be.” We work hard and the rest is not always up to us. Some of our words ignight and some dont. We just keep writing and putting ourselves out there in our sphere of influence.
    Have a wonderful trip.

  5. Sally Apokedak says:

    I had never heard of her and I saw a trailer someone put on Facebook to take part in her FaceBook challenge—which was a marketing plan. The trailer was so good that I clicked over to read the first chapter of her book and I sat there weeping and weeping as I read.

    Then I went over to her blog. There I saw that the book had just gone into the top 100 at Amazon. Ann mentioned that fact and said something like, “Look at what you have done.” What a lovely way of putting it.

    She’s a smart marketer, I think. You don’t just burp out wonderful book trailers without thought. I doubt this all fell into her lap without any work on her part. But she convinces you that she is just sitting in big-eyed wonder, amazed at what God is doing. It’s a very attractive stance.

    Because the truth is that even if she is working hard, so are a bunch of other writers who aren’t breaking out as she has done. The truth is that God has chosen to bless her. So she’s not lying when she says she’s amazed, I’m sure.

    I’m so looking forward to seeing what you gleaned from speaking with her agent. Hurry home from that cruise. Hey! Don’t they have wi-fi on those boats? Can’t you sneak below-deck one day and blog for us?

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