The Gate Seldom Found by Raymond Reid. This book is, so far, the only fiction on this page. I love this now out of print book (used copies are available). It’s the story of an early attempt by some Canadians to return to the simple Christian life, unfettered by much of the trappings that have stifled the life in many a church.
The Gate Seldom Found by Raymond Reid. This book is, so far, the only fiction on this page. I love this now out of print book (used copies are available). It’s the story of an early attempt by some Canadians to return to the simple Christian life, unfettered by much of the trappings that have stifled the life in many a church. There is some controversy involved with this book though. The book is based on a group that really did exist in Canada around the time this book is set. That group eventually became very legalistic and borderline cultish. Some who know that history object to this book’s portrayal of the events of that time. I believe, however, that realizing this book is fiction, the reader can still marvel at the message here. It’s one of the few novels that I wanted to read again the very day I finished it for the first time.